Hilda Catz
Dra. en Psicoanálisis
Mát./Céd. 1972
- Argentina
- Doctora en Psicologia Ph.D. 2017. Doctor in Psychology Ph.D, Usal-APA. Specialist in Children and Adolescents, Families, Couples. She is the author of numerous books. She teaches at the Argentine Psychoanalytic Association and the UCES (Bs.As.). Full member of APA. IPA and FePAL. |
Cañitas / / Ciudad de Buenos Aires / Argentina Idiomas de atención : Español / Francés / Inglés Modalidades de atención: Atención Online/Virtual Instituciones de pertenencia y trabajo: Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina Instituciones donde ejerce docencia: APA UCES Especialidades clínicas: Niños y Adolescentes
Orientación a padres
Orientaciones clínicas
Doctor in Psychology Ph.D, Usal-APA Lic. Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires. |
Doctor in Psychology Ph.D, Usal-APA Lic. Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires.
She is a full member in a didactic role of the Argentine Psychoanalytic Association, the Latin American Psychoanalytic Federation (Fepal) and the International Psychoanalytic Association (I.P.A.).
Specialist in Children and Adolescents.
Former Coordinator of the Department of Children and Adolescents of APA.
Guest Lecturer at National and International Universities.
Professor of Seminars of the Argentine Psychoanalytic Association.
Coordinator of Research Spaces of the Argentine Psychoanalytic Association: Bion-Pos-Bion.
Chapter Coordinator: “Lo infantil” Argentine Psychoanalytic Association Latin American Representative of the IIRC Relations Committee for IPA in IPSO. Movies: Screenwriter of the short film awarded, Barriguete Yuye Castillon Fepal Award 2015: "My film Candela” selective mutism in a 4-year-old girl. Consequences of the Military Dictatorship (has been translated into several languages).
Co-Scriptwriter of the short film “Perfect Crimes”, Dir. Juan Lanzillotta. Consequences of the Military Dictatorship on the individual and collective psyche. (Youtube).
Co-Scriptwriter of the short film “Adulticide”, Dir. Juan Lanzillotta. Suicidal ideation in adolescence. (Youtube).
6 videos that exemplify the theoretical-clinical approach to Winnicott´s doodle game.
Series on the Pandemic of 5 written volumes in which colleagues from Argentina and abroad participated.
(2021) Catz, H. et al., Psychoanalysis in a Pandemic. Chaos-Complex Borders-Uncertain Horizons, Ricardo Vergara editorial. Bs.Aires.
(2020) Catz, H et al., The virus mutates... do we mutate?. A psychoanalytic look, Vergara editorial, Bs Aires.
(2020) Catz, H and collaborators, The Pandemic and after...a psychoanalytic look, Ricardo Vergara editorial, Bs.Aires.
Catz, H and collaborators (2020 Human networks, the human of networks Working in quarantine and in the Post-Quarantine, Ricardo Vergara editorial, Bs. Aires. (2020) Catz, H and collaborators, Working in quarantine and in Post-quarantine in times of the Pandemic: Transformations and invariances, Ricardo Vergara editorial, Bs.
(2020) Catz, H and collaborators, Psychoanalysis of Children and Adolescents, working in quarantine in times of the Pandemic, Ricardo Vergara editorial, Bs. Aires
(2019) Tattoos as symbolizing marks, the clinical relevance of tattoos for the Psychoanalytic process, Ricardo Vergara editorial, Bs. Aires.
(2017) Tattoos as “Symbolizing Marks Fashion, body rite, fetish, or also pure unqualified quantity referring to the terrain of trauma? Book: Psychoanalysis in Fashion, editors: Weinreb Katz and Kramer Richards, IPBOOKS.net Chapter III.
On Fanaticism (collaborator) (2016) "Fanatismo", Bion, Lacan and Lê Instituzione La psicoanalisi, 59, Rome, Astrolabio, Italy.
(2015) 1st. Barriguete-Castellon Award for the work: "We are made of the same material as dreams" About the analyst´s reverie and his possible paths. Franco-Mexican Foundation for Medicine IAP.
(1991) From myths to possible change through catastrophic change. In IPSO Year Book 91. International Psychoanalytical Studies Organization.
On Autism (collaborator).
(1986)- "The universality of Filicide"-Rascovsky and collaborators- Observations on the parental deficit in autistic children, Editorial Horme.
Some Publications:
(2019) Psychoanalysis in chaos, complex borders and uncertain horizons, Docta Revista de Psicoanálisis, year 16 Publication of the Psychoanalytic Society of Córdoba (2015) We are of the same material as dreams, Revista de Psicoanálisis. Argentine Psychoanalytic Association, LXXII, no.2/3, Bs.As. (First Prize 2015, Barriguete-Yuye Castellón).
(2012), From a doodle. The importance of the development of the Winnicott Doodle technique, Revista de Psicoanálisis. APA, LXIX, No. 4, Buenos Aires.
(2011). Trauma on the skin, Tattoos, from deadly scars to Symbolizing Marks, Magazine of the Argentine Psychoanalytic Association, LXVIII, no. 4, Bs.As.
(2008) About dreaming Metapsychology and clinic, 100 years later. XXIII Internal Congress, Argentine Psychoanalytic Association, Buenos Aires.
(2005). The skin of trauma: about tattoos, piercing and scarification, Rio de Janeiro IPA Congress.
(2002) Simon en quête de son histoire” La Parentalité. Defi pour le troisième millénaire. Quatrième partie, Les formes particulières de la parentalité à l´aube du IIIo millénaire Presse Universitaires de France. Hommage international to Lebovici. Paris. (Childhood Autism and Psychosis).
(1996).- Book Magazine Art and Madness "Freud Collector"Com. of Culture, Assoc. Psic. Argentina.
(1996) About the analyst´ reverie, the analytic field and its possible transformations. Fepal, XXI Latin American Congress of Psychoanalysis.
(1995) Out of memory, work published in Actualidad Psicológica, Year XX, No 220 (1994) Survivors of a shipwreck, A case of obesity in an 11-year-old girl. Colombian Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 19, No 3 and 4.
He has numerous publications in national and international Psychoanalytic Books and Journals.